this entire city of India was given as dowry to the British know this amazing story

this entire city of India was given as dowry to the British know this amazing story

Nowadays a house or car is given as dowry., Although now this too is opposed, But do you know that there was a time when an entire city of India was given as dowry to an Englishman?, Yes!, You will definitely be surprised to hear this but it is true and this city was none other than Mumbai, the city of dreams which is called the financial capital of the country., Let us know this interesting story related to the history of the country.,

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When and how was Mumbai given in dowry to the Englishman?,

16Portuguese traveler Vasco da Gama reached India in the 18th century., He conquered the island of Mumbai and named it Bombay., The Portuguese built a fort here and started trading activities17King Charles II of England marries Princess Catherine of Braganza of Portugal in the 17th century, In this marriage, Portugal gave the city of Bombay as dowry to England., this deal 1661 Happened in,

This marriage was done to strengthen political relations between the two countries., Apart from this, Bombay was an important trading center at that time., The deal was a big win for England as it gave them a foothold in India,

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The British made Mumbai a trading center

The British took control of Bombay and made it a major trading center., He developed the port here and established many industrial units., Slow,Gradually Bombay became an important city of India., year after 1995 The name of Bombay was changed to Mumbai in, Today Mumbai is the largest city and financial capital of India., this film industry, Center for financial services and trade, Portuguese and British rule also contribute to Mumbai’s rich heritage.,

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